教你理解和构建GPT Tokenizer
教你理解和构建GPT Tokenizer
Open AI传奇研究员Andrej Karpathy的新课,教你理解和构建GPT Tokenizer。
分词器是大语言模型(LLM)处理流程中一个独立且关键的环节。它们有专属的训练数据集、采用特定的训练算法——字节对编码(Byte Pair Encoding),训练完成后,分词器能够执行两个核心功能:encode() 函数将普通文本字符串转换为词元,而 decode() 函数则能将词元还原为原始文本字符串。在这场讲座中,我们将一步步揭开 OpenAI GPT 系列分词器的构建过程。
00:00:00 intro: Tokenization, GPT-2 paper, tokenization-related issues
00:05:50 tokenization by example in a Web UI (tiktokenizer)
00:14:56 strings in Python, Unicode code points
00:18:15 Unicode byte encodings, ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32
00:22:47 daydreaming: deleting tokenization
00:23:50 Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) algorithm walkthrough
00:27:02 starting the implementation
00:28:35 counting consecutive pairs, finding most common pair
00:30:36 merging the most common pair
00:34:58 training the tokenizer: adding the while loop, compression ratio
00:39:20 tokenizer/LLM diagram: it is a completely separate stage
00:42:47 decoding tokens to strings
00:48:21 encoding strings to tokens
00:57:36 regex patterns to force splits across categories
01:11:38 tiktoken library intro, differences between GPT-2/GPT-4 regex
01:14:59 GPT-2 encoder.py released by OpenAI walkthrough
01:18:26 special tokens, tiktoken handling of, GPT-2/GPT-4 differences
01:25:28 minbpe exercise time! write your own GPT-4 tokenizer
01:28:42 sentencepiece library intro, used to train Llama 2 vocabulary
01:43:27 how to set vocabulary set? revisiting gpt.py transformer
01:48:11 training new tokens, example of prompt compression
01:49:58 multimodal [image, video, audio] tokenization with vector quantization
01:51:41 revisiting and explaining the quirks of LLM tokenization
02:10:20 final recommendations