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    <p>Here is the summary of reading note about some Lua basic grammar and data structures.</p>


Stand-Alone Interpreter

  • Useful Lua idiom
    • x = x or v is equivalent to if not x then x = v end.
    • ((a and b)or c) is equivalent to C expressiona?b:c`.

Arithmetic Operators

  • Division
    • float division is /, which is the same as other programming lanuage.
    • integer division is //, which is called “floor division”.


  • Strings in Lua are immutable values.
  • Strings in Lua are subject to automatic memory management, like all other Lua objects (table, functions, etc).
  • Use .. to concatenate two strings.

  • Any numeric operation applied to a string tries to convert the string to a number. This coersion is also applied in other places that expect a number, such as the argument to math.sin.


Safe Navigation

To know whether a given function from a given library is present, use this statement: res = lib?.object1?.object2?.function or res = (((lib or {}).object1 or {}).object2 or {}).function.


  • table.insert: insert an element in a given position of a sequence.
  • table.remove: removes and returns an element from the given position in a sequence.
  • table.move: moves the elements in table a from index f until e (both inclusive) to position t or another table.
  • table.pack: receive any number of arguments and returns a new table with all its arguments (just like {…}).
  • table.unpack: transform a real Lua list (a table) into a return list, which can be given as the parameter list to another function.



  • Return multiple results from a function: return res1, res2, res3. And a statement like return (f(x)) always returns one single value.
  • Variadic function, taking a variable number of arguments, uses three dots(…) in the parameter list:
function func(...)
do sth

Tail Calls

  • Lua does tail-call elimination. So in following code:
function f(x)
x = x + 1
return g(x)

When g returns, control will return directly to the point calling f, and thus, do not use any extra stack space when doing a tail call.


  • io.read: read strings from current input stream. The input parameter includes "a", "l", "L", "n" and number.
  • io.write: write strings to current output stream. Use string.format for full control over the numbers to strings conversion.
  • io.open: open a file.
  • io.flush: flush the current output stream.
  • io.popen: runs a system command and connects the command output (or input) to a new local stream and returns that stream.
  • os.exit: terminates the execution of a program.
  • os.getenv: gets the value of an environment variable. ex: os.getenv("HOME").
  • os.execute: runs a system command.

Variable and Control Structure

  • Lua treats all values (including 0 and empty string) as true except false and nil.

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